Foxes Visit Stonehenge
The Stone Circle at Stonehenge
Olivia: "I liked the skeleton and that the feet were gone because some of the badgers must have eaten it!"
Tom: "I liked the rock you had to pull - we found out what it was like to pull all of the stones. It was on a wooden sleigh and they pulled the ropes to move it."
Jack R: "I liked looking at the exhibition and the Chris skeleton because I liked feeling the axe, the stones with arrowheads marked in it and the Stonehenge models."
Harriet: "I liked when we looked around the roundhouses because I was really looking forward to seeing what they slept in."
Sophia: "I liked when we went into the museum when we were talking about sunrise/sunset on the shortest/longest days - interesting that lots of people go to watch it. Also how they thought the man looked based on his skeleton and his teeth - and things were stuck in his teeth so they know what he ate!"
Fin: "I liked the 360 film circle inside Stonehenge - I liked how it changed with the weather and changed really quickly."
A big thank you to Friends of WFS who subsidised the coach fare and a big thank you to parents for supporting the trip so all of the children could walk in the footsteps of our ancestors and see where history really happened!